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Katsunori ArayamaTrack TrainerHorseTracker

Last Winner
Runs Since Last Winner
Days Since Last Winner
Last Runner
Line Breaker (JPN)
unplaced, 25/1, Tadanari Konno
Urawa Mon, 20th May, 24
20May24 Ura AS 3y F (6650K)
Line Breaker 8-7[25/1]unplaced in race won by Tea Five
Tadanari Konno
17May24 Ohi F (3420K)
Golden Crown 8-11[2/1Fav]bf3rd of 9, 1.00L behind Presto Arthur
Takayuki Yano
2/1 Fav
16May24 Ohi AS F (8740K)
You're On Fleek 8-9[2/1]1st of 13, 1.75L to Tablao
Masashige Honda
16May24 Ohi AS F (8740K)
Tablao 9-0[5/1]2nd of 13, 1.75L behind You're On Fleek
Takayuki Yano
16May24 Ohi AS F (14399K)
Storm Zone 9-0[8/11Fav]bf2nd of 16, 0.5L behind Advance Pharoah
Ryo Fujita
8/11 Fav
16May24 Ohi AS F (14399K)
Fujikochan 8-9[22/1]5th of 16, 4.00L behind Advance Pharoah
Yoichi Ando
15May24 Ohi F (7980K)
Neo Tokio 8-11[13/2]12th of 16, 9.32L behind Lowering Looks
Taito Mori
15May24 Ohi F (3800K)
Kia Kia 8-5[11/2]3rd of 12, 9.75L behind Lux Dion
Tadanari Konno
15May24 Ohi F (1899K)
Aegir 8-11[9/2]2nd of 14, 0.5L behind Yannoka Step
Taito Mori
14May24 Ohi AS F (7219K)
Leesan Eye 8-11[14/1]6th of 15, 4.69L behind Black Piano
Taito Mori
14May24 Ohi AS F (7219K)
Riko Luger 8-11[15/8Fav]bf8th of 15, 7.94L behind Black Piano
Kota Motohashi
15/8 Fav
14May24 Ohi AS F (11780K)
Figlio Del Sol 9-0[4/1]7th of 9, 9.81L behind It's So Rad
Taito Mori
14May24 Ohi AS F (11780K)
It's So Rad 8-9[5/1]1st of 9, shd to Noah Vigorous
Takayuki Yano
14May24 Ohi AS F (3420K)
Bijoux 8-7[8/1]7th of 14, 21.25L behind Dude Sunrise
Taito Mori
14May24 Ohi AS F (3420K)
Bhastrika 8-7[12/1]6th of 14, 20.75L behind Dude Sunrise
Ryuji Tatsushiro
13May24 Ohi AS F (9499K)
Perseverante 8-11[8/13Fav]bf2nd of 10, Dht behind Imono Soda Waride
Tsubasa Sasagawa
8/13 Fav
13May24 Ohi AS F (8549K)
Love Me Mary 8-7[2/1]1st of 7, 6L to Love Cloud
Taito Mori
13May24 Ohi AS F (3420K)
Coconut Garden 8-11[5/1]12th of 14, 12.51L behind Ayasan Dawa King
Takayuki Yano
03May24 Fun F (11400K)
Copano Jackey 8-11[9/1]11th of 11, 17.81L behind Ho O Truth
Masashige Honda